About US

Still no masterplan

Project founded in 2020 with locations moving throughout Berlin and elsewhere. Current address: Sassenberg in a huge formerly wool factory. Please call +49 (0) 170 3825151.

By appointment.

Email say hello@stillnomasterplan.com to arrange a visit.                                No  appointments necessary for events.

For general inquiries please email hello@stillnomasterplan.com

STILL NO MASTERPLAN is an artist and art lover run project providing opportunities for artists to realize new works. If you are able to support we would love to hear from you.

Founded and directed by Anna Facinelli

Because we believe in the power of art. 


STILL NO MASTERPLAN is a gallery promoting selected positions in contemporary art.


As a curatorial project, the gallery is dedicated to the visualization of current issues within art and design in relation to the socio-political realities surrounding them, in order to enable and create an understanding of the relevance of the respective specific and individual artistic practice.

STILL NO MASTERPLAN ist eine Galerie zur Förderung ausgewählter Positionen zeitgenössischer Kunst. 


Als kuratorisches Projekt widmet sich die Galerie der Sichtbarmachung aktueller Fragestellungen innerhalb von Kunst und Design im Verhältnis zu den sie umgebenden gesellschafts-politischen Realtitäten,  um ein Verständnis für die Relevanz der jeweiligen spezifischen und individuellen künstlerischen Praxis zu ermöglichen und herzustellen.